Legislation on the profession of nursing
Legislation in English:
Act on Health Care Professionals (559/1994) (Finlex)
Decree on Health Care Professionals (564/1994) (Finlex)
Licensed professionals
Under Finnish law, licensing is granted to these nursing professionals: nurses, midwives, and public health nurses.
Valvira, the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, grants the right to practice as a licensed professional. In addition, Valvira maintains a central register of health professionals to carry out its supervisory tasks. The name of the register is JulkiTerhikki.
In Finland, unlicensed health professionals can be fined or imprisoned.
Registers of social welfare and healthcare professionals
Student nurse as a substitute for a nurse
A student nurse who has completed two-thirds of the degree, at least 140 credits (of 210 credits), may work as a substitute for a nurse.